Cases & Missing Persons


James Vincent Colicchio

Age 58   6’01”  210 Pounds  Gray Hair  Green Eyes


On November 11th, 2013 it was reported that James Colicchio had been living in a commercial rental unit on 4H Park Road near Queenstown and had not been seen for several months. Perishable food and documents at the location indicate Colicchio may have been gone since early September. Several cats in the unit were found alive yet in poor condition and were removed by Animal Control. Relatives were contacted and advised they had not heard from him since late August to early September. They also advised it was out of character for James to leave his cats without care.

Colicchio’s vehicles were located at the rental unit with one having a window broken out and the other in the process of being repaired with tools left outside. Phone records indicate no recent activity and had been turned off. Colicchio has no children or known girlfriends and keeps to himself .

Colicchio is a stone mason by trade and uses his deceased father’s company name of Colicchio & Sons. Only known email is believed to be and that he would access the internet at libraries.

Colicchio had been having issues with a neighboring tenant over parking of vehicles and cats being injured. One family member reported Colicchio was extremely angered over one of his cats being killed and believed his neighbor was involved.

Colicchio has previous addresses in Clinton, MD, Rockville MD and Fort Washington MD. In the past he has been cited for soliciting money from vehicles on a controlled access highway in Prince Georges County.

Persons with information are asked to contact the Criminal Investigations Unit at 410-758-0770.

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MURDER of Herman “Dolly” Callahan

Case Number: 92 H 0464
Type of case: Homicide
Date entered: 07/21/2008


Narrative:  Early on Monday morning August 24, 1992, Herman “Dolly” Callahan was located in his home on Route 404 near Route 309 in Queen Anne, MD. A motorist passing by at about 7:15 AM noticed something suspicious, believed that he had fallen and reported it. Callahan was found just inside the doorway of the residence with a single shotgun wound and was pronounced dead at the scene. The fatal wound appeared to have been fired at close range, which leads investigators to believe that the killer was known by the victim. Callahan, aged 75, was the owner of two cattle farms and a landlord of more than a dozen tenants.

Dolly was said to be a hard worker and could “turn a dollar” but also had his share of enemies. He was known to start his day at about 4 AM every day. Callahan’s 1985 GMC livestock truck taken from the residence and was located nearby at the National Guard Armory. Investigators still have no reason why it was moved there or by who.

The murder weapon has never been located. Investigators are looking to locate possible witnesses from that morning who may have seen someone at or leaving the residence, clues as to why the truck was taken and then left just a short distance away, location of the possible murder weapon, or additional information.

Persons can contact the Sheriff’s Office at (410) 758-0770. Anonymous tips can also be left at (410) 758-6666 or emailed at