DATE / TIME: 04/12/2012 @ 1511 Hours
LOCATION: 200 Abruzzi Drive, Chester
VICTIM: Amber A. Turner
CHARGED: William Jennings Baxter (27) of Chester
NARRATIVE: Victim reported that someone had taken $42 from her purse while working. Security video at the restaurant clearly shows the suspect removing the money from the purse. Prior to arrival of the deputy, Ms. Turner had confronted employees to return the cash or she was calling the police. Video shows suspect Baxter returning $19 of the cash.
Application of Charges was made for Suspect Baxter and a District Court Commissioner issued a Criminal Summons charging him with one count of Theft.
DEPUTY: Cpl. Shane Russell
CASE: 12-10585
INCIDENT: Counterfeit Currency
DATE / TIME: 4/12/2012 @ 1030 Hours
LOCATION: Sunoco @ Thompson Creek Road, Stevensville
NARRATIVE: Store Manager at Sunoco reported that a cashier at that location during the night shift had a customer who attempted to pay for gas and items from the store with a fifty dollar bill. The cashier followed the store’s procedures and attempted to verify the validity of the bill. When several issues became apparent the customer was advised and he paid with smaller bills, leaving the $50 bill at the store. The customer was described as an African American male driving a dark Ford F-150 pickup. No loss was incurred and the bill was turned over to the Sheriff’s Office.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Jason Rickard
CASE: 12-10643
INCIDENT: Possession of CDS – Marijuana
DATE / TIME: 04/13/2012 @ 2215 Hours
LOCATION: RT 8 near Irene Way, Stevensville
ARREST: Pending
NARRATIVE: Dfc. Kellogg stopped a blue Jaguar for a headlight out on RT 8. As she walked up to the car, she reports smelling the odor of burnt marijuana. The driver (Male (27) from Stevensville) was identified and advised he was aware the light was not working. A search of the car resulted in the seizure of a plastic baggie with suspected marijuana and a smoking device with residue. The driver was issued a warning for the headlight and released at the scene pending charges. Suspected marijuana has been sent to the lab for testing.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Jessica Kellogg
CASE: 12-10729
INCIDENT: MVA / Fleeing the scene
DATE / TIME: 04/14/2012 @ 0332 Hours
LOCATION: RT 18 near Sawmill Lane, Grasonville, MD.
NARRATIVE: Dfc. Kellogg responded to location for a report of a grey car running off the road and into bushes with two subjects running from the scene. She located the car, ran the tag noting it was not reported stolen or wanted. The registered owner’s residence was within walking distance and Dfc. Kellogg went there. The owner, James M. Brady III (22) of Grasonville initially stated the car was stolen, recanted the story and admitted to crashing the car into the bushes and then fleeing once he realized he couldn’t get the car out of the bushes. Brady was issued citations including leaving the scene of an accident. The car was towed and impounded by a local tow company.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Jessica Kellogg
CASE: 12-10762
DATE / TIME: 04/14/2012 @ 0723 Hours
LOCATION: Love Point Road, Stevensville
VICTIM: Marshall Emory of Stevensville
NARRATIVE: Victim reported that during the night someone had knocked his mailbox off of the post and then smashed it into several pieces. Victim advised he heard a “thump” about 2345 Hours but didn’t attempt to see what it was. Damage was estimated at $150.
DEPUTY: Deputy Whitney Elliott
CASE: 12-10767
DATE / TIME: 04/14/2012 @ 1712 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 900 Block of Millington Road, Millington
VICTIM: Marian F. Geohegan of Knoxville , TN
NARRATIVE: Victim reported that a storage shed on the property had been damaged recently. It appeared someone had taken a sledgehammer and had destroyed much of a cinder block wall. Damage was estimated at $1000.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Jason Rickard
CASE: 12-10820
INCIDENT: Possession of CDS – Marijuana
DATE / TIME: 04/15/2012 @ 0009 Hours
LOCATION: South Beach, Tower Gardens, Stevensville
ARREST: Male (17) of Stevensville
Male (17) of Grasonville
Male (17) of Chester
Male (19) of Grasonville
CHARGES: Pending
NARRATIVE: Sgt. Johnston was checking the area and located two vehicles parked at the location, a Ford Mustang and a Toyota Passenger car. He also could see five individuals exiting the cars and walking towards the beach. Upon identifying himself, one male ran away and the other four were detained. There was an odor of burnt marijuana present in the group. The group admitted to smoking a joint and that they were at the beach to smoke marijuana. A search of the cars resulted in the seizure of two baggies of marijuana in the Toyota. Parents were called to the scene to collect their juveniles. Charges are pending on the adult. The four were unable to identify the 5th subject.
DEPUTY: Sgt. Earl “Duke” Johnston
CASE: 12-10877
INCIDENT: Possession of CDS
DATE / TIME: 04/15/2012 @ 0128 Hours
LOCATION: Prospect Bay Country Club Parking Lot, Grasonville
NARRATIVE: Deputies responded to location for a report of juveniles creating a disturbance. On arrival all subjects were gone, however there was two vehicles at the location. In a blue Honda Prelude there was a smoking device with burnt residue on the console and a baggie with suspected marijuana. The second Vehicle was a silver Neon which there was an open bottle of vodka in the rear seat. Both cars were unlocked and had the keys in the ignition.
While at the scene, one male walked up and got into the Dodge Neon. Contact was made with the subject, identified as Tyler James Wallace (18) of Queenstown. Wallace appeared to be intoxicated and a search resulted in the seizure of a smoking device and suspected marijuana. Wallace stated that the contents of the baggie was not CDS but incense purchased at a nearby gas station. He was issued a Civil Citation and later released to his parent.
A second subject was located near the water tower and was returned to the scene. When asked about the smoking device and suspected marijuana, he too claimed it was incense purchased at an Exxon Station. He also advised that the owner of the second car had run away to his house nearby.
Cpl. Carr responded there and made contact with the subject, Joseph Robert Martin (18) and his parents. He appeared to have been drinking and with the vodka in his car was issued a civil Citation for Possession of Alcohol underage.
The smoking devices and suspect marijuana has been sent to the MSP lab for testing and charges are pending.
DEPUTY: Cpl. Mark Carr
ASSIST: Dfc. Jessica Kellogg
CASE: 12-10882
DATE / TIME: 04/26/2012 @ 1532 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: Oyster Cove Drive, Grasonville
VICTIM: Louis E. Armiger of Grasonville
NARRATIVE: Victim reports that sometime from November 2011 and now someone had stolen his Ray Machine GPS from his Grady White boat stored at Mears Marina. The GPS was valued at $600.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Seth Ambrose
CASE: 12-11016
DATE / TIME: 04/26/2012 @ 1620 Hours
LOCATION: Park & Ride @ Thompson Creek Road, Stevensville
VICTIM: John D. Fulton of Stevensville
Marthe D. Drake of Stevensville
NARRATIVE: Victims reported they had parked their vehicle at the Park & Ride near Kmart in the morning to go to work. Upon returning that afternoon they discovered their exhaust had been cut and the catalytic converters stolen. The vehicles were a 2008 Honda Element and a 2004 Hyundai Element. Estimates of damage ranged from $700 to a $1000 for each vehicle.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Seth Ambrose
CASE: 12-11016