Special Request Form for Autistic and Disabled Individuals

The Queen Anne's County Office of the Sheriff has partnered with other local organizations in Maryland to create the Special Request Law Enforcement Form, an initiative led by Sheriff Gary Hofmann. The purpose of this form is to provide deputies and other emergency personnel responding to calls for service with information to better serve the unique needs of the individual(s) who may live there. Though our deputies undergo training, having this form ensures that they have crucial information to better understand and support those with special needs during encounters.

By filling out this form a special alert is placed on the associated residential address or business to notify first responders that a special need may be present. The Department of Emergency Services who dispatches the call for service will let the deputy responding know the name of the person with special needs and other relevant information provided on the form. All information provided is optional and always confidential.

"Every member of our community deserves to feel safe and supported, regardless of their unique needs or circumstances. By equipping our deputies with the necessary tools and information through initiatives like this, we ensure that we can serve all community members in the best way possible, fostering trust and positive relationships." - Sheriff Gary Hofmann.

The information provided in the form is retained for 24 months from submission unless you submit an updated form.

This program was put into place on May 01, 2013. Forms are available in our office, on our website, or by mail at the family's request. To download the form click the link below.