If a violator has received a citation in the mail, that was recorded by a school bus monitoring camera, inquiries for the citation should be directed to:
All school bus enforcement citations are considered civil citations holding the registered owner or lessee responsible for the violation (similar to a parking ticket). NO POINTS CAN BE ASSESSED FOR THIS VIOLATION AND IT WILL NOT RAISE YOUR INSURANCE RATES!
For inquiries related to payment options or court appearances, please refer to your issued citation or see below.
PAY BY WEB: Go to www.alertbus.com and click "Pay Citation" to pay via credit card (VISA/MC/Discover). The citation number and vehicle tag number are required.
PAY BY PHONE: Call 1-877-504-7080 and follow the automated prompts. Please have your citation number and credit card ready (Visa/ MC/Discover).
PAY BY MAIL: Include the citation number and vehicle tag number on your check or money order TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT. DO NOT SEND CASH. Check or money order should be made payable to Queen Anne's County Maryland and mailed to:
Queen Anne's County, Maryland
to the "Due Date" shown on the front of this notice and return it to Queen Anne's County, Maryland Automated Enforcement Program,
PO Box 1310 Newington, VA 22122. If you appear in court, the maximum amount you will be charged is a $500.00 fine plus court costs. Follow
the instructions below to request a court date. You will be notified by mail of the court date. If you do not receive a notice within 30 days, call
Queen Anne's County Automated Enforcement Customer Service at 1-877-504-7080.
IF YOU LOST YOUR CITATION: If you lost your citation, please send an email to customersupport@buspatrol.com or call 877-504-7080 to request a copy of your lost citation.
IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOGIN TO THE WEBSITE: Go to www.alertbus.com and enter in your citation number with the prefix included (example: QA-888888). Enter your license plate number without the state prefix (example: if your citation appears as MD XXXXXX type in XXXXXXX). Select the VIEW CITATION button.
identify the person who was, you shall provide to the District Court a sworn to and affirmed statement and mail by certified mail, return receipt
requested. Your statement must indicate you swear or affirm that the person named in the citation was not operating the vehicle and include the
operator's name, address, and any corroborating evidence. Send your request in an envelope marked "Transfer of Liability" to:
Queen Anne's County, Maryland Automated Enforcement Program, PO Box 1310 Newington, VA 22122.
detailing that the vehicle or tag was stolen prior to the violation to: Queen Anne's County, PO Box 1310 Newington, VA 22122.
WHAT IF I WAS NOT DRIVING DURING THE TIME OF THE INFRACTION? For Queen Anne’s County – If you, as the registered owner, were not operating the vehicle at the time of this infraction and you choose to identify the person who was, you shall provide to the District Court a sworn to and affirmed statement and mail by certified mail, return receipt requested. Your statement must indicate you swear or affirm that the person named in the citation was not operating the vehicle and include the operator’s name, address, and any corroborating evidence. Send your request in an envelope marked “Transfer of Liability” to: Queen Anne’s County, Maryland Automated Enforcement Program, PO Box 1310, Newington, VA 22122.
WHAT IF I RECEIVED A FLAG ON MY REGISTRATION? The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) placed a flag on your vehicle’s registration, 90 days after the Notice of Violation was mailed and withheld the renewal application for your vehicle registration pending the full satisfaction of all fines and costs, which will include an additional $30.00 Motor Vehicle Administration flag fee per citation (payable to the MVA). To remove the flag, you must pay the fine in full.
WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROGRAM/LAWS? You can view the local ordinance where applicable on our website www.alertbus.com. In addition, the specific law is listed on the front page of your citation in the first paragraph. For more information about the school bus program, you can visit www.buspatrol.com.
WHAT IF I NEED A PAYMENT PLAN? Partial payments can only be accepted by check or money order. Please do not send cash. If you elect to enter into a payment plan agreement, please take note of the following requirements. You can select a 2-payment, 3-payment, or 5-payment plan option.
· If you select a 2-payment plan option, you must:
o Send your 1st payment of $125.00 by the original due date on your citation.
o Send your 2nd payment of $125.00 by 30-days from the original due date on your citation.
· If you select a 3-payment option, you must:
o Send your 1st payment of $83.00 by the original due date on your citation.
o Send your 2nd payment of $83.00 by 30-days from the original due date on your citation.
o Send your 3rd payment of $84.00 by 60-days from the original due date on your citation.
· If you select a 5-payment option, you must:
o Send your 1st payment of $50.00 by the original due date on your citation.
o Send your 2nd payment of $50.00 by 30 days from the original due date on your citation.
o Send your 3rd payment of $50.00 by 60 days from the original due date on your citation.
o Send your 4th payment of $50.00 by 90 days from the original due date on your citation.
o Send your 5th payment of $50.00 by 120 days from the original due date on your citation.
***Please be sure to include your citation number and your license plate number on your check or money order.
Also, it’s very important that once you’re set up on this payment plan, we receive each installment either on or before the due date each month, but please do not send all of your payments at once, as they’re posted when we receive them. If they’re sent together and deposited, we’re not liable for any non-sufficient funds (NSF) or overdraft fees that you may incur from your bank. Additionally, if any check is returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF), we will add a $35 fee, for each check, to your balance.
Please send your installment payments to: Queen Anne’s County Maryland, Automated Enforcement Program, P.O. Box 411472, Boston, MA 02241-1472.
persons with disabilities. Requests should be directed to the appropriate agency prior to visiting the facility.
Queen Anne's County Sheriff's Office at 410-758-0770 / District Court 410-819-4000. TTY - MD Relay: 711