Queen Anne's County Sheriff's Office : 410-758-0770
Anonymous Tip Line : 410-758-6666
Welcome to the directory page of the Queen Anne's County Office of the Sheriff. Our dedicated team of law enforcement professionals is committed to serving and protecting the community with integrity and respect. In this directory, you will find contact information and resources for various divisions, including patrol, the criminal investigation unit, and school resource deputies. We are here to assist you, so please do not hesitate to reach out.
Please be advised that our Anonymous Tip Line and Social Media Channels are not monitored at all times. If you are experiencing an emergency please dial 911. The Queen Anne's County Office of the Sheriff can also be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by phone at 410-758-0770 or in person at 505 Railroad Ave., Centreville, MD.
Command Staff
Personnel | Title | Extension | |
Sheriff Gary Hofmann | Sheriff of QAC | 1213 | sheriff@qac.org |
Major Dwayne Boardman | Undersheriff | 1224 | dboardman@qac.org |
Major Christopher Amoia | Operations Commander | 1212 | camoia@qac.org |
Lt. Troy Lowery | Patrol Commander | 1216 | tlowery@qac.org |
Lt. John Meyers | Support Services | 1288 | jmeyers@qac.org |
Lt. Amelia VanSant | Commander of Administrative Services | 1217 | alopez@qac.org |
1st Sgt. Jeremy Davidson | Assistant Patrol Commander | 1273 | jdavidson@qac.org |
1st Sgt. George Sewell | School Resource Unit | 1265 | gsewell@qac.org |
Sworn Personnel
Personnel | Title | Extension | |
Armiger, Dfc. Kenneth | Uniformed Patrol | 1937 | karmiger@qac.org |
Armington, Cpl. Chase | Uniformed Patrol Supervisor | 1938 | carmington@qac.org |
Baer, Dfc. Walter | School Resource Officer | 1250 | wbaer@qac.org |
Bassaro, Sgt. Maria | Criminal Investigation Unit Supervisor | 1237 | mbassaro@qac.org |
Betts, Cpl. George | Uniformed Patrol | 1248 | gbetts@qac.org |
Brown, Dfc. Roger | Uniformed Patrol | 1243 | rbrown@qac.org |
Burns, Sgt. Nate | Uniformed Patrol Supervisor | 1296 | nburns@qac.org |
Carter, Dfc. Joseph | School Resource Officer | 1991 | jcarter@qac.org |
Coale, Dfc. Austin | Uniformed Patrol | 1939 | acoale@qac.org |
Colburn, Dfc. William | Uniformed Patrol, K-9 Handler | 1943 | wcolburn@qac.org |
Cooper, Dfc. Alex | School Resource /Dare Officer | 1263 | acooper@qac.org |
Creason, Cpl. Steve | Training Officer | 1280 | screason@qac.org |
Davidson, Sgt. Ryan | Uniformed Patrol Supervisor | 1269 | rdavidson@qac.org |
Dickey-Faggert, Cpl. Savanna | Court Services | 1960 | sdickey@qac.org |
Doyle, Dfc. Zane | Uniformed Patrol | 1948 | zdoyle@qac.org |
Fogarty, Dfc. Brendan | Uniformed Patrol | 1930 | bfogarty@qac.org |
Frazier, Dfc. Austin | Uniformed Patrol | 1268 | afrazier@qac.org |
Gonzalez, Dep. Fernando | Uniformed Patrol | 1973 | fgonzalez@qac.org |
Gore, Sgt. Steven | Uniformed Patrol Supervisor | 1289 | sgore@qac.org |
Holden, Dfc. Sean | Uniformed Patrol | 1931 | sholden@qac.org |
Iman, Cpl. Michael | Uniformed Patrol | 1966 | miman@qac.org |
Jackson, Dfc. Jamal | Uniformed Patrol | 1978 | jjackson@qac.org |
Johnson, Dep. Rhyheem | Uniformed Patrol | 1945 | rjohnson@qac.org |
Johnston, Dfc. Alexis | Uniformed Patrol, K-9 Handler | 1924 | ajohnston@qac.org |
Johnston, Dfc. Matthew | School Resource Officer | 1241 | mjohnston@qac.org |
Jones, Dfc. Mitch | Court Services | 1266 | mcjones@qac.org |
Keller, Dfc. Patrick | Internal Affairs Investigator | 1977 | pkeller@qac.org |
Kelley, Dep. Stephen | Criminal Investigation Unit | 1206 | skelley@qac.org |
Kendall, Dep. Nicolas | Uniformed Patrol | 1935 | nkendall@qac.org |
Kries, Dfc. Daryl | Court Services | 1267 | dkries@qac.org |
Lane, Dep. Caitlyn | Uniformed Patrol | clane@qac.org | |
Lawler, Dep. Eric | Uniformed Patrol | 1967 | elawler@qac.org |
Leshinskie, Dfc. Preston | Uniformed Patrol | 1941 | pleshinskie@qac.org |
Lewis, Dfc. Jeff | Administrative Services Division | 1953 | jlewis@qac.org |
Matteson, Cpl. Patrick | Uniformed Patrol | 1957 | pmatteson@qac.org |
Means, Dfc. Nicholas | Uniformed Patrol | 1242 | nmeans@qac.org |
Meehan, Dfc. Bailey | Uniformed Patrol | 1961 | bmeehan@qac.org |
Mickle, Dfc. Joshua | Uniformed Patrol | 1925 | jmickle@qac.org |
Mills, Dep. Robert | Uniformed Patrol | rmills@qac.org | |
Neall, Sgt. Andrew | Uniformed Patrol Supervisor | 1279 | aneall@qac.org |
Neuens, Dfc. Robert | Court Services | 1247 | rneuens@qac.org |
Pack, Dfc. Lanard | Court Services | 1959 | lpack@qac.org |
Parker, Cpl. George | School Resource Officer | 1951 | gparker@qac.org |
Patchett, Sgt. Austin | Uniformed Patrol | 1974 | apatchett@qac.org |
Patikowski, Dfc. Joe | School Resource Officer | 1962 | jpatikowski@qac.org |
Patrick, Dfc Charles | School Resource Officer | cpatrick@qac.org | |
Rhodes, Dfc. Amy | Court Services | 1244 | arhodes@qac.org |
Rickard, Dfc. Jason | Criminal Investigations Unit | 1262 | jrickard@qac.org |
Rivera, Dep. Jared | Uniformed Patrol | jrivera@qac.org | |
Sachs, Dfc. Ben | Uniformed Patrol | 1246 | bsachs@qac.org |
Sarier, Dfc. Kerim | School Resource Officer | 1932 | ksarier@qac.org |
Schroyer, Dfc. Chad | School Resource Officer | 1969 | cschroyer@qac.org |
Schultz, Dfc. Douglas | Uniformed Patrol | 1979 | dschultz@qac.org |
Schulz, Dfc. Dustin | Uniformed Patrol | 1990 | dschulz@qac.org |
Smith, Dep. Christopher | Uniformed Patrol | 1972 | csmith@qac.org |
Stewart, Dfc. Danielle | School Resource Officer | 1958 | dstewart@qac.org |
Sullivan, Dfc. Dominic | Criminal Investigation Unit | 1225 | dsullivan@qac.org |
Sutton, Dfc. Daniel | Court Services | 1277 | dsutton@qac.org |
Trader, Dep. Kevin | Uniformed Patrol | 1914 | ktrader@qac.org |
Walls, Dep. Dennis | Court Services | 1254 | dwalls@qac.org |
Williams, Dfc. Bredet | Criminal Investigations Unit | 1984 | bwilliams@qac.org |
Williams, Dep. Patrick | Uniformed Patrol | 1986 | pwilliams@qac.org |
Professional Staff
Personnel | Title | Extension | |
Kimbles, Laurie | Executive Assistant to the Sheriff | 1223 | lbkimbles@qac.org |
Briselli, Kaitlyn | Public Information Officer | 1271 | kbriselli@qac.org |
Milligan, Jessica | Public Information Officer | jmilligan@qac.org | |
Majchrzak, Kristen | Office Coordinator III | 1200 | kmajchrzak@qac.org |
Wilson, Frederick | Human Resources Manager/ CALEA | 1923 | fwilson@qac.org |
Haas, Sue | Quartermaster | 1226 | suehaas@qac.org |
Parker, Maria | Evidence Manager | 1219 | mparker@qac.org |
Vickers, Kelly | Office Coordinator II | 1270 | kvickers@qac.org |
Becker, Dawn | Office Coordinator II | 1236 | dbecker@qac.org |
Leavers, Maitlin | Office Coordinator II | 1234 | mleavers@qac.org |
Salinas-Lopez, Cheyenne | Public Safety Assistant | 1234 | CSalinas-Lopez@qac.org |
Jeffers, Aidone | Civilian Court Screener | 1233 | ajeffers@qac.org |
Spence, Craig | Civilian Court Screener | 1230 | cspence@qac.org |
Additional Resources & Support Personnel
Personnel | Title | Extension | |
Duty Officer | 410-758-0770 | Sheriff-Info@qac.org | |
Anonymous Tip Line | 410-758-6666 | Sheriff-Info@qac.org | |
QAC Drug Task Force | 410-758-8477 | www.qadtf.com | |
Kollock, Jerald | Deputy Recruit | jkollock@qac.org | |
Mayo, Stephen | Deputy Recruit | smayo@qac.org | |
Miskovich, Matthew | Deputy Recruit | mmiskowich@qac.org | |
Willis, Robert | Deputy Recruit | rwillis@qac.org | |
Whited, Danielle | Deputy Recruit | dwhited@qac.org | |
Fiorino, Toni | Cadet | tfiorino@qac.org | |
Porter, Nathan | Cadet | nporter@qac.org |